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The Snp Leader

New SNP Leader and First Minister of Scotland

Humza Yousaf Elected to Lead Party

John Swinney Steps Down

Humza Yousaf has been elected as the new leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) and will become the next First Minister of Scotland. The 39-year-old politician defeated Ash Regan in a tense five-week contest, securing 53.8% of the vote.

Yousaf succeeds Nicola Sturgeon, who announced her resignation in February after eight years in office. He will become the first Muslim to lead Scotland.

Yousaf has been a key figure in the SNP's drive for Scottish independence. He has served as health secretary since 2021 and has been a vocal critic of the UK government's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In his victory speech, Yousaf pledged to unite the SNP and to campaign for Scottish independence. He said: "I will work tirelessly to build a better future for Scotland, one where every citizen has the opportunity to fulfill their potential."

Yousaf's election is a significant moment in Scottish politics. He is a talented and experienced politician who will bring fresh energy to the role of First Minister.

It remains to be seen how Yousaf's leadership will shape the future of Scotland. However, he has pledged to put the people of Scotland first and to fight for their rights and interests.
